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Data Blocking and its Effect on Physician Integration and Alignment

CMS Administrator Seema Verma has warned that data blocking will not be tolerated. Healthcare data can be exchanged, but software and applications providers have been accused of hoarding it because for many, their business model has been designed on deriving profits from data hoarding. But if Seema Verma’s admonitions are any indication, them days...

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Hospital Wayfinding Within Medical Tourism Facilities

We help a limited number of ambitious and extraordinary clients to grow and scale their unique game-changing medical, dental, rehabilitation and wellness businesses Will your business be our next success story? By Maria K Todd, MHA PhD CEO & Founder, The Mercury Healthcare International group of companies As a former hospital administrator, and now...

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Marketing Medical Tourism on Social Media Channels

When medical tourism businesses enter the realm of social media marketing for the first time, often it is quite alarming what they do and the approach they use. Most providers, regardless of where they are located USA or Uruguay or Uganda, simply have no expertise or resources to properly and effectively manage social media...

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The Economic Potential of Medical Travel Business Development

Maria Todd and her team of experts have completed tourism economic impact studies in 120 countries.   Cities, states, regions, and countries across the world benefit from a pre-development situation assessment and feasibility studies and medical tourism and health travel destination brand creation prior to launch and marketing of their health...

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US Domestic Medical Travel on the Rise in Rural Markets

by Maria K Todd MHA PhD In the USA, according to the census data from 2016, rural areas cover 97 percent of the nation’s land area, home to 19.3 percent of the population (about 60 million people). By this, I refer to the official definitions developed by the Census Bureau which identifies two types...

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Brand Building for Healthcare Practitioners

When a physician practice attempts to establish a professional brand that differentiates it from its competitor physician practices, the first place to begin is by determining who is its ideal customer. Brands are far more than a logo, a color scheme, or an advertising campaign.  “Living Brands” maximize the experience at...

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Maria Todd Engaged by New Physician Clinic in St George Utah

A group of local investors tired of being forced to drive to Salt Lake City and Las Vegas for access to medical and surgical specialists have engaged Maria Todd to research a new physician specialty clinic project to meet the needs of patients from St George, Ivins, Washington, Santa Clara, and other...

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Reference-based Pricing Gets Put to the Test in Virginia

Make no assumptions about reference-based pricing! Not yet, anyway… Reference-based pricing in healthcare is an interesting concept. What it is and how it works: Reference-based pricing is a relatively new healthcare reimbursement model where employers contract with a company to negotiate payment rates outside a traditional HMO or PPO contractual relationship and...

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Medical Tourism Marketing & GDPR Regulations – Are you ready?

    So far, every medical tourism facilitator I have asked about General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) readiness has either not heard about the GDPR or they didn’t think the regulations applied to them outside of Europe. Wrong! Likewise, for healthcare business consultants outside of Europe who solicit medical...

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