The Nonsense of Medical Tourism Market Reports

Caveat Emptor! Comes now, the never-ending promotional hype of totally useless, misguided medical tourism market analysis reports. This trend of new market researcher houses preying on “wantrepreneurs” with cash burning a hole in their pocket and a desire to leapfrog ahead of competitors the easy way is actually replacing the attraction of...

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International SEO – Standing Broad Jump or Flying Leap?

I find a major gap in healthcare professionals’ understanding of the nuances of international marketing and SEO. They have no clue about the nuances of international SEO and how it can impact a medical practitioner’s global digital strategy to attract patients from foreign countries. International SEO considerations go much further than...

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US Domestic Medical Travel on the Rise in Rural Markets

by Maria K Todd MHA PhD In the USA, according to the census data from 2016, rural areas cover 97 percent of the nation’s land area, home to 19.3 percent of the population (about 60 million people). By this, I refer to the official definitions developed by the Census Bureau which identifies two types...

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Medical Tourism Marketing & GDPR Regulations – Are you ready?

    So far, every medical tourism facilitator I have asked about General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) readiness has either not heard about the GDPR or they didn’t think the regulations applied to them outside of Europe. Wrong! Likewise, for healthcare business consultants outside of Europe who solicit medical...

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