Retail Clinics: Case for Concern?

Retail Clinics: Case for Concern? HEALTHCARE PRODUCT DESIGN STRATEGY AskMariaTodd™ …for more information about what’s been mentioned in this article​ or something else you’d like to learn more about and… Thank You! … for being part of my professional community. Thank you for reading, watching, commenting, sharing, and spreading all of my information around...

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Should Concierge Physicians Consider Hiring a PR Professional?

As a concierge physician (regardless of what you call it these days, boutique medicine, membership practice, personalized medicine or something else) if you’ve pulled out of most of your managed care agreements, you’ve lost patient steerage that you were trading in exchange for the discounts you negotiated. Ok,...

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Healthcare service design

Healthcare organizations tend to focus around products and delivery channels and customer-facing outputs, while internal processes (UX, employees) are overlooked. Maria Todd focuses on these internal processes in this latest article on medicaltourism and healthcare #servicedesign. Service design is not a new concept. It's been around since 1982. Lynn Shostack...

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