1490 E Foremaster Drive # 260
St George, UT 84790-4502 USA
+1 (800) 727-4160
Hours by appt.
Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 6:00
USA Mountain Time (MT)
From 1995 until 2009, Maria Todd was the country’s leading trainer on managed care contract analysis and negotiation for HFMA, and also for McGraw Hill Healthcare Education Group and several seminar companies. She was on the road more than 270 days per year training and consulting on managed care contracting, payer negotiations, capitation, physician integration and alignment, bundled pricing, and other topics related to managed care. All in all, she has inspired and trained more than 60,000 healthcare industry professionals in more than 2700 training programs, seminars, webinars and Master Class workshops to analyze and negotiate managed care agreements at every skill level.
Since 2009, Maria Todd has been hosting and appearing at industry events on 5 continents training healthcare executives, investors and providers as well as revenue management managers and team members on managed care contract analysis, negotiation and more recently, contract drafting on products such as bundled price surgery and diagnostic procedures and treatments so that they can negotiate directly with self-funded employers on more equitable terms for all concerned. She has also taken the lead on medical travel business development training for hospitals and outpatient surgery providers throughout the USA and abroad.
(27) Cost Containment: How to Shop and Procure Medical Travel Medical Services for Your Self-funded Health Plan – St George, UT (1 day Master Class – live, interactive)
(28) Cash Pay Surgery / Bundled Case Pricing Strategies for Providers – St George, UT (1 day Master Class – live, interactive)
(9 & 10) Introduction to Managed Care for New Hires – St George, UT (2 day Master Class – live, interactive)
(23) PanaSalud “DEVELOPMENT OF THE MEDICAL TOURISM CLUSTER: From Individual Stakeholder to a National Medical Tourism Strategy”
(26) Becker’s ASC 26th Annual Meeting: The Business and Operations of ASCs “Medical Travel Program Development for ASCs: Direct Contracts with Employers and Unions”
St George, UT 84790-4502 USA
Hours by appt.
USA Mountain Time (MT)