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6 Key Considerations When Targeting U.S. Patients for Medical Tourism

Not getting enough traction with your marketing and advertising efforts towards American patients? Let's talk about it. Medical, dental and wellness tourism providers targeting individuals with specific health conditions may underestimate the challenges attracting North American patients from the USA. The stakes are higher than ever before because of many U.S. healthcare...

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10 Basic Steps to Medical Tourism Startup

International Hospital Accreditation for Medical Tourism – Who Pays? HEALTH TOURISM MARKETING STRATEGY AskMariaTodd™ …for more information about what’s been mentioned in this article​ or something else you’d like to learn more about and… Thank You! … for being part of my professional community. Thank you for reading, watching, commenting, sharing, and spreading all...

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The 340B reductions

So… 340B changes making you nervous? Pull up a chair and pour a cup of tea or coffee. Let's talk about it. As you may have heard, new 340B guidelines announced in November 1, 2017 and became effective January 1, 2018.  Since the announcement I’ve been working with hospitals on strategies to implement,...

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Gauging Long-Term Social Impact in the Health Tourism Sector: A Cutting-Edge Approach

by Maria Todd, MHA PhD CEO & Founder Center for Health Tourism Strategy at Mercury Healthcare International Local and regional for-profit, private health clinics, hospitals and other private healthcare organizations frequently measure long-term performance using any number of indicators, including, commonly, return on investment. But for public-private partnerships (PPPs) and NGOs, in contrast, there...

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Charter Jets and Health Tourism

by Maria K Todd, MHA PhD  CEO & Founder Mercury Healthcare International As a firm that coordinates corporate health travel, we are frequently asked to coordinate checkups and medical travel for groups of executives and their companion travelers.  Often, they are planning to travel anyway for a corporate meeting or event, a training course,...

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Bundling Medical Tourism Activities Into a Product Strategy

by Maria K Todd, MHA PhD CEO and Founder Mercury Healthcare International, Inc. Many medical tourism facilitators open their business without any medical knowledge or training. To me, that’s as crazy as deciding to open a piano tuning business because you can tell black keys from white keys and you know that people with...

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