Storytelling for Health Tourism Marketing

Storytelling for Health Tourism Marketing HEALTH TOURISM MARKETING STRATEGY AskMariaTodd™ …for more information about what’s been mentioned in this article​ or something else you’d like to learn more about and… Thank You! … for being part of my professional community. Thank you for reading, watching, commenting, sharing, and spreading all of my information around...

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Brand Building for Healthcare Practitioners

When a physician practice attempts to establish a professional brand that differentiates it from its competitor physician practices, the first place to begin is by determining who is its ideal customer. Brands are far more than a logo, a color scheme, or an advertising campaign.  “Living Brands” maximize the experience at...

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Book Review: Primal Code

The seven components to the Primal Code adapted to medical tourism startup strategy, plus one example I applied about each. In one of the most highly-praised books of its kind, cited by YouTube as a best practice, Patrick Hanlon explains how the most powerful brands create a community of believers around the brand, revealing the seven...

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7 Questions to Help Tell Your Physician Brand Story

Even the most unknown physicians, hospitals and clinics have a physician brand story to tell. As brand consultants, we help our clients uncover these tales when they answer these seen questions for us. To gain media coverage for our clients and their brands, we must be able to find interesting stories and share them in an appealing and simple...

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21 Ways to Differentiate Your Medical Tourism Service for a Competitive Advantage

Finding a differentiator for your medical tourism hospital, clinic or medical practice is not an easy task. Many medical tourism suppliers struggle mightily only to come up with a differentiator that doesn’t really differentiate them at all. To be successful, a medical tourism supplier seeking to differentiate themselves must meet three important criteria: Your differentiation must be true....

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