1490 E Foremaster Drive # 260
St George, UT 84790-4502 USA
+1 (800) 727-4160
Hours by appt.
Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 6:00
USA Mountain Time (MT)
Instead of dealing with Dr Google articles, provide a portfolio of articles with your content.
We position you as your patients’ trusted authority and expert on their healthcare.
Connect with your patients on social media channels and your patients will market your practice as your brand ambassador to their friends, family and work colleagues.
Post social media content that leads readers, listeners and viewers back to your website.
Maria Todd is certified by Google in digital marketing. She specializes in healthcare and doesn’t accept clients or assignments from any other industry.
She’s cultivated a following that numbers more than 18,000 followers and connections and she can help you engage your patients and social community using social media to increase the amount of traffic to your website from major search engines.
Site registration with thousands of platforms enhance your placement position. We use your brand to enhance your SEO rather than trying to use SEO to build your brand.
We measure results using Google Analytics, track your progress and send you monthly reports on key metrics about visitors, location, search terms and other information you need to know to keep your marketing, branding, advertising and publicity strategies on target and effective in today’s competitive healthcare marketplace.
Professional services branding is slightly different than retail shops and products. Branding pulls your messaging, practice or ASC culture, look and feel, colors, typography, and other image and resources together.
We’ll help you with all your marketing needs.
But branding doesn’t stop at image. Branding and brand research includes determining your ideal patient and how to reach them and turn them into patients, consultations, second opinions, and surgical or other procedures.
For this we use your data from your practice if you’ve been in business for a year or more, combined with external data we gather from public information sources that we analyze and interpret about your source market population, social determinants of health, medical psychographic interests, hobbies, lifestyle, income and educational demographics, and more.
Maria Todd specializes in healthcare service line development, expansion and activation. She has particular acumen with robotic-assisted surgeries, stem cell and prolotherapy, ASC/OBL and outpatient cardiology and cardiovascular services development, capsule endoscopy, wound therapy, telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and more.
She leverages four decades of healthcare business development, hospital, ASC and medical group practice management, managed care, physician integration and OR nursing background to help you plan, analyze, add to and maximize new services, therapies, technologies and treatment protocols.
My team of experts and I specialize in building websites, logos and brands for physicians, clinics, surgery centers, hospitals and other healthcare providers and organizations. We help you grow your practice and boost your positioning.
Under my supervision, my talented designers collaborate with my technical team to create a branded website and internet presence that is holistic, inviting, informative, and meets your objectives.
We can assist you with every aspect of your website design, content and technical support. Your website will be unique, clean, modern, and match the “look and feel” of your practice’s differentiated brand.
Your content creation is managed by my team under my supervision to create videos, podcasts, interviews, and articles that position you as the authority while you continue to see patients. We help you to select and develop content that captures the attention of your website visitors and gives you organic search results.
I begin with a brief interview to listen to your goals and preferences, strategy, and tactics.
Events like Lunch with the Doc and other direct-to-patient interactions differentiate you from your competitors.
But if you endeavor to promote and host events prematurely, the market won’t recognize your brand and they won’t show up.
There’s a right way to drive ideal prospects who are ready to attend and ask questions and want to know more. Maria guides the process so that your events attract the right people who schedule up private consultations on the spot at the event.
Medical travel programs, both domestic and international attract patients from outside your local catchment area. But you won’t grow this source of new patients if you simply slap a page about medical travel on your website.
You need a comprehensive “program” that includes the right messaging, bundled and transparency pricing, ground service and destination support and accommodations for patients who fly or drive to your location, and a well-developed telehealth initial consultation and follow up system that rounds out continuity of care.
Each procedure you offer will need its own page that describes your services, program, transparent and shoppable pricing, and information about financing, insurance, traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage, Workers’ Comp and Motor Vehicle Accident insurance info, and more.
Videos and podcasts augment your web pages and give you greater brand awareness, authority and lift. They allow prospects to see you in action, listen to your voice, your accent, your language fluency, your personality, and help prospective patients decide if you and your location are a “match” prior to traveling for care.
For domestic health travel patients who reside in rural locations where specialist care is scarce, make them feel welcome after driving several hours or overnight by arranging everything, not just the part that happens in your clinic.
Help them arrange aftercare, pharmacy and medical supplies, DME, braces, CPAPs, and other necessities before they return home to enhance both patient delight and clinical quality and patient safety outcomes.
Help them arrange their itinerary both to and from your location to reduce complications such as DVT/PE and edema from riding in an aircraft or car for too many hours in a seated position.
Send them on their return journey home with everything they need in the event of a complication (op notes, images, lab values, medication lists and a discharge summary) so that if they feel unwell, they can stop by any urgent care or call on EMS for assistance.
Arrange their aftercare appointments, wound care, home health and home physical therapy, suture removal and inform their primary care or local caregiver prior to their return back home to avoid local hometown abandonment and other problems with care continuity.
Bundle all these amenities into your price per episode of care. You won’t work for free if you set up your medical travel program the right way. Maria Todd is the world’s leading expert and internationally-published author on health travel program and destination development.
Market with the transparency, clarity and assurances that what you advertise will be paid for by your contracted third-party payers, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, Workers’ Comp, Auto and Travel Accident and Illness insurers.
If your services are non-covered by third party payers and health plans, your website design should include transparent workaround and solutions so that you or your staff aren’t investing time in repetition of the same information several times a day and risking patient non-payment, disappointment or confusion.
St George, UT 84790-4502 USA
Hours by appt.
USA Mountain Time (MT)