Marketing and Coordinating Stem Cell Medical Tourism Treatments

Appropriate for:

  • Medical Tourism Facilitators and Referral Agencies
  • Health facilities Business Executives
  • Physicians and Surgeons
  • Regional and City Tourism Directors


Interactive Educational Workshop

Duration: 3-4 hours

May be adapted for a 30-60 minute lecture or 90-minute breakout session with fewer learning objectives

Ideal Audience Size: 20-40 participants

Closeup image of a smiley business leader clapping at the seminar with her team on the foreground

Invite Maria Todd to present this workshop at your next educational event

Session Description:

Stem cell treatments are hotly debated around the world. Largely unregulated and in many countries, and in many places, only approved as clinical trials, demand is high. For athletes, baby boomers, and people seeking anti-aging treatments, the use of stem cells is still highly controversial because of the derivation of some of the cells.

Learning objectives

  • Understand the differences between Human embryonic stem cell (HESC), reprogrammed cells—“induced pluripotent stem cells” (iPSCs), adult stem cells, fetal tissue cells (amniotic fluid), embryos from IVF clinics, Non-Destructive Embryo Cell Extraction, Organismically Dead Embryos, Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT), and Interspecies SCNT, Altered Nuclear Transfer (ANT), Embryonic Stem Cell Fusion,
  • Understand how iPS cells can pose unique problems when it comes to tissue transplantation, since the current techniques to induce pluripotency in these cells may cause cancer
  • Understand the stem cell therapies available that involve biological drugs or cell-based treatments, which cannot be used for the general public until after the regulators at the treatment destination have overseen a series of carefully controlled clinical trials. Learn which questions to ask and what answers to listen for.
  • Learn how to review and approve stem cell providers for your network and how to explain to clients the differences in the stem cell therapies and how to measure and track clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction.

What’s Included:

You’ll leave this session with a clear path, a structured approach, and real-word steps you can take to prepare as soon as you get back to your office.

Participants will leave with a helpful checklist and downloadable e-book created just for your event filled with practical tools, tips and supplemental articles on the topic by Maria Todd.  These materials will help participants to better prepare for this lucrative but challenging business development opportunity. If you plan to offer stem cell treatments as part of your medical tourism business, you’ll benefit from this session.

About the Workshop Leader

Maria Todd is the CEO of Mercury Healthcare International, in Denver, Colorado.

She is the author of 15 internationally-published business process books including, the Managed Care Contracting Handbook, Physician Integration & Alignment, The Handbook of Medical Tourism Program Development, and The Employer’s Guide to Medical Tourism Benefit Design.

She has worked on the insurer side as a contracting director, the medical tourism program development side for hundreds of hospitals and clinics on five continents, and as a hospital and ASC executive and managed care analyst and negotiator advocating for better rates and relationships between the parties. She has trained thousands of American hospital and clinic negotiators, IPAs, PHOs and ACOs through her HFMA and Managed Care Institute seminars and master classes. She’s a globally recognized authority on contracting with ERISA employers, unions, healthcare purchasing coalitions, HMOs and PPOs and insurers and public health programs in the USA and abroad.

Maria brings hands-on clinical, health law, insurance and travel industry background spanning 35 years. In 2010, she was granted a trademark registration from the US Patient and Trademark Office (USPTO) for the first Globally Integrated Health Delivery System®.

MHI’s Mercury Health Travel  subsidiary operates the only such Globally Integrated Health Delivery System® in the world.

The system is used to support medical travel benefit administration for Mercury’s corporate medical travel clients.

Mercury Health Travel manages the entire case management process, coordinates all medical travel logistics, bundled payment claims administration and provider fee settlement, clinical and financial outcomes measurement and reporting, and all travel planning for self-insured corporate clients, unions, and Mercury’s healthcare purchasing coalition for freelancers and consultants.  The network is comprised of inspected and Approved healthcare facilities, and Approved medical, dental and other healthcare providers in 106 countries.

To inquire about pricing, trainer availability or to schedule this workshop at your clinic or hospital or industry event, please call +1.800.727.4160 and speak with an education coordinator.





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