
Why have more than 4000 healthcare business owners, executives and investors from 48 states and 115 countries awarded their trust to Maria Todd with their contracted reimbursement?


As a seasoned negotiator and former HMO contracting manager, Maria helps you ensure that your contracts are right for your business, your patients, and acknowledge your brand value. She delivers measurable results through increased revenues and net profits.  She shuts down payer loopholes to curtail denied claims and reduce labor-intensive appeals.

As a health law paralegal, she pulls no punches when she sees language loopholes that make it impossible to realize the favorable rates you negotiated. As a trained mediator, she guides you through dispute resolution and appeals without expensive litigation or arbitration costs.  She understands ERISA, CMS, antitrust, probate, workers’ comp, travel insurance and auto accident subrogation, and other program rules and regulations to better manage and collect what’s owed on All-Payer contracts.  Put her on task with your toughest reimbursement problems and watch the money come in.

How Maria Helps Your Organization

  • Contract review and assessment
  • Contract negotiations
  • Review of key managed care processes
  • Strategic assessment of managed care market
  • Get paid for new devices & robotics, drugs, and other technologies
  • Shared-risk, bundled price integrity, value-based care
  • Direct-with-employer & TPA contracting when HMOs & PPOs won’t contract with your facility
  • Turn away unfair reference-based pricing offers and collect what’s owed
  • Eliminate surprise discounts and Silent PPO problems

You can trust Maria Todd to help you and produce measurable results with any aspect of managed care and payer contracting.

Maria is the only expert in the USA with internationally-published book titles on managed care and payer contracting topics and more than 2800 managed care contracting workshops and training seminars to her credit.

Get notifications when Maria Todd schedules managed care training workshops or is scheduled to present workshops on managed care contracting at industry events


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