1490 E Foremaster Drive # 260
St George, UT 84790-4502 USA
+1 (800) 727-4160
Hours by appt.
Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 6:00
USA Mountain Time (MT)
Webinars/events 43%
Videos/motion graphics 41%
Interactive content 40%
Newsletters/blog posts 40%
Case studies/articles 38%
Research/eBooks 32%
Infographics 28%
Increasing conversion rates 54%
Improving quality of leads 53%
Increasing leads/subscribers 49%
Increasing engagement time 38%
Improving brand preference 33%
Integrating across channels 20%
Reducing sales cycle time 19%
62% – Outsourced to a specialist
24% – Combination of outsourced and in-house resources
14% – In-house resources only
Email 77%
Social media 53%
Website/blog 52%
SEO/organic search 22%
Display ads 21%
PPC/paid search 21%
Content syndication 20%
36% – Executing on a set strategy
32% – Preparing to take action
25% – Talking about it
8% – Doing nothing – no plans
St George, UT 84790-4502 USA
Hours by appt.
USA Mountain Time (MT)