Print Advertising Content for Healthcare

Revitalize Print Advertising with Maria Todd's Creative Content Solutions for Your Services

While avoided by many healthcare providers citing cost vs uncertainty, print advertising remains a vital medium in healthcare. With Maria Todd’s extensive experience in print content creation, she’ll craft compelling, compassionate messages, aligned with your brand. Let her expertise guide you in creating a owned content and media that’s proprietary, authentic, impactful, and drives referrals and appointments.

Typical assignments include:

  • Creating Your Print Content Strategy: Strategizing your owned and authoritative content to align with print objectives to produce trust and drive referrals organically.
  • Copywriting & Designing for Print: Maria brings together the words and visuals that connect with prospective patients.
  • Brochures, Flyers & Magazines: Created in Adobe InDesign and Illustrator to be print ready, Maria supervises a team of creatives to layout proprietary content for various print outlets to suit your needs.
  • Localized Print Advertising: In healthcare, targeting specific audiences with localized content takes research to determine if your investment in print advertising will  ever pay off. If the data doesn’t support the advertising investment, don’t spend money until it does.
  • Collaboration & Coordination with Printers: Accurate and on time are two crucial qualities when working with print professionals. Maria works to ensure seamless printing processes that are delivered on time and without errors, or they make it right. 

Call on Maria Todd Today!

Bring life to your print advertising with Maria Todd’s specialized content services. Reach out today to make print a valuable and powerful part of your patient communication round up.

Call (800) 727.4160 for an appointment

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