Data Blocking and its Effect on Physician Integration and Alignment

CMS Administrator Seema Verma has warned that data blocking will not be tolerated. Healthcare data can be exchanged, but software and applications providers have been accused of hoarding it because for many, their business model has been designed on deriving profits from data hoarding. But if Seema Verma’s admonitions are any indication, them days...

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Reference-based Pricing Gets Put to the Test in Virginia

Make no assumptions about reference-based pricing! Not yet, anyway… Reference-based pricing in healthcare is an interesting concept. What it is and how it works: Reference-based pricing is a relatively new healthcare reimbursement model where employers contract with a company to negotiate payment rates outside a traditional HMO or PPO contractual relationship and...

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Medical Tourism Marketing & GDPR Regulations – Are you ready?

    So far, every medical tourism facilitator I have asked about General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) readiness has either not heard about the GDPR or they didn’t think the regulations applied to them outside of Europe. Wrong! Likewise, for healthcare business consultants outside of Europe who solicit medical...

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China, the Silk Road and Medical Tourism Market Strategy

by Maria K Todd, MHA PhD Executive Director Center for Health Tourism Strategy Recently I was asked to evaluate the Chinese medical tourism market for one of our strategic partners. At first, my response was Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen Guangzhou, and Xiamen. Then I approached the strategic dilemma from a different angle. By adjusting my perspective,...

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The Importance of Healthcare Provider Credentialing in Health Tourism

              When a health tourism coordinator represents that their provider network selection process involves due diligence but doesn’t conduct primary source verification of credentials, training and experience, I view that as false advertising which is illegal in most jurisdictions.   1 Professional health and wellness services coordinators and facilitators owe a...

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Dr Maria Todd of Mercury Advisory Group finalizes draft institutionalization framework law template for health and wellness tourism destinations.

Dr Maria Todd of Mercury Advisory Group has finalized her working draft template for use in institutionalization and framework law drafting for health and wellness tourism destinations. Todd has been engaged by many different governments to help them draft a framework regulation for health and wellness tourism. The most time consuming aspects of these...

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