Retail Clinics: Case for Concern?

Retail Clinics: Case for Concern? HEALTHCARE PRODUCT DESIGN STRATEGY AskMariaTodd™ …for more information about what’s been mentioned in this article​ or something else you’d like to learn more about and… Thank You! … for being part of my professional community. Thank you for reading, watching, commenting, sharing, and spreading all of my information around...

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Can Surgeons Operate a Concierge Medical Practice?

Can Surgeons Operate a Concierge Medical Practice? Concierge Medicine is a membership fee model of private practice that physicians adopt and build a product and a program for patients who need ongoing continual care over the course of a year. Many surgeons operate an “episodic” practice that has a defined beginning and ending of...

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Is Your Concierge Membership Practice a Best Kept Secret?

Find out how to get out of obscurity and become known as the leading authority among your concierge physician competitors Many concierge physicians contact me because I wrote the book (literally) on Concierge Medical Practice Design. Some have not yet launched their practice while others did it themselves and realize they made...

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Single Case Agreements for Specialty Concierge Physicians

A Triple Win for You, Your Patient and Your Patient’s Health Plan As a specialist in a private concierge medical practice, you’ve chosen to terminate all insurance panel agreements. Patients will pay you directly for services (out-of-pocket). You provide patients with an invoice marked with dates of service, service codes, diagnosis codes...

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Brand Building for Healthcare Practitioners

When a physician practice attempts to establish a professional brand that differentiates it from its competitor physician practices, the first place to begin is by determining who is its ideal customer. Brands are far more than a logo, a color scheme, or an advertising campaign.  “Living Brands” maximize the experience at...

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Should Concierge Physicians Consider Hiring a PR Professional?

As a concierge physician (regardless of what you call it these days, boutique medicine, membership practice, personalized medicine or something else) if you’ve pulled out of most of your managed care agreements, you’ve lost patient steerage that you were trading in exchange for the discounts you negotiated. Ok,...

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