9 Ways a Brand Audit Helps You Grow and Thrive in the Marketplace
- Analysis of Meaning & Direction – How your brand is perceived from the perspective of your targeted customers
- Positioning – The space your brand owns in a health plan or an employer’s mind that sets your brand apart from competitors. It explains why and when it should be their preferred choice.
- Differentiation – The perception on the part of the target audience that your brand and your products and services are different from those of your nearest competitors
- Relevance – How important your brand is to its target audience and the marketplace, based on the delivery of perceived functional and emotional benefits and perceived quality and price.
- Consistency – The uniformity of all the messages conveyed about a brand; spoken, and unspoken, image, location, attitude and tone, logo, themelines, taglines, signage, signature systems, press releases, advertising and marketing, social media and community involvement, and internal communications.
- Brand-Product Relationship – The tangible relationship between the brand and the perceived outcomes of your services represented by your brand. Your key services must be meaningful and make sense to targeted message receivers.
- Equity Markers – Your brand’s vantage points and points of differentiation. How will you convey information about tangible elements that represent your brand and when seen, heard, or experienced reflects back to the brand favorably.
- Coherent Management – Brand management ensures all contact points, marketing, HR, locations billing, pricing, and external communications are adhering to brand standards “charter”. You should be able to list at least 50 of these touchpoints in any hospital or clinic or healthcare organization.
- Brand Equity – The practice of periodic market research and introspection designed to measure your brand’s meaning and association to ensure sustained market growth

Your Reputation x Your Visibility = Brand Strength
How I can Help You
I offer a 15-minute, first-time introductory call at no charge.
During our time together, I’ll listen as you explain these 5 things:
- The ways your business is currently generating referrals
- What you know about why consumers may have ruled out your business or destination – what didn’t they like?
- Your impressions of the state of your current website – the analytics you measure and monitor and what you do with this information
- The strategies you currently have to portray thought leadership and use social media to your advantage
- What’s working for you now, and what isn’t
Based on these insights, I’ll recommend ways I can help raise your visibility—the right way.
Re-branding may be your best option in some cases if your situation includes any of the following hurdles:
- You need to establish or raise your credibility in the marketplace
- You need to project a more modern, sophisticated identity
- You realize your business lacks adequate differentiation from a sea of similar competitors
- You would like to align with the marketplace in a new way through a change in strategy or services or emphasize something new (new surgeries, procedures, technologies, approaches)
- You desire to breakthrough from the invisible middle of the market and grow new market share and higher revenues
Brands attract notice and shape others’ perceptions
After 40 years in the business, I’ve learned that my brand, AskMariaTodd®, is critical to my long term success. Yours is too. Together, we can craft the differentiation you need to compete and equip you with the sophisticated look and tightly focused message of an established market leader on an accelerated pathway.
We’ll focus on 3 key issues by phone.
- Your Strategy – The market research you’ve done, how you decided on positioning and message crafting and your desire to re-brand, if indicated
- Identity – Your existing logo, tagline, elevator pitch, stationery and business cards, corporate colors, brand presentation guidelines – have you done the preliminaries or did you do everything thus far by seat of the pants instinct. Do you want to improve or change these things, right now? Is that the best choice of how to use your resources?
- Tactics and Tools – Your existing website, videos, brochures, email templates, advertisements, PowerPoint template and other branded materials and how they confirm to your brand charter.
Then, if you agree, we follow with an on-site visit to complete the audit.
We’ll discuss my fees and travel costs, availability, deliverables and who else should be involved in your project, your budget, etc. But let’s table that until after your 15 minute courtesy call. There’s no rush on my side. I’m here for the long term.